Service packages

I especially enjoy working with new writers who are looking for feedback and editorial guidance.

While I find myself specializing as an editor, if you need guidance with your business writing, please reach out. I’ve been working with new writers in the corporate workplace for years and I really enjoy these interpersonal relationships.

I offer the following service packages.


Maybe you’ve done some self-editing. Maybe you’ve stalled out on your first draft and need a little lift. Maybe you are a bit too close to your project and are no longer objective about your characters. Or maybe your storyline has become a jumble. Maybe you’ve even started questioning your writing style, or the form the story has taken.

If you’re looking for a cheerleader who understands character development and story arc, who knows what it’s like to stare at a blank page, let me help.

If you want to step into your next draft with clarity and purpose, let’s talk.

Contact me for an estimate specific to your project.


Heres’s what you’re at: You’ve done all you can. Your manuscript is polished and ready to send to an agent or upload to an online book seller.

However you choose to share your book with the world, there’s one last stop: Your manuscript needs to be proofread.

With your MS Word file in my caring hands, I will correct typos and spelling mistakes using Track Changes and return the file to you. This way, you are free to accept, or reject any changes that have been recommended. If you prefer not to work with Word, I get it, and I am happy to do the editorial markup on hard copy for you.

Contact me for an estimate specific to your project.

Beta Reading

Are you looking for someone to read your manuscript because you’re feeling stuck, or because you’ve lost the narrative thread, or there’s something up, but you just can’t put your finger on it?

I will read your manuscript and provide you with up to five pages of generalized feedback.

Contact me for an estimate specific to your project.

Check out the Editors Canada for more information about what a professional editor can do for you.